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Up to 6 creatures to travelUp to 8 creatures to travel
GigantamaxNo bizarre thing like this, never
TerastalUltratype (supports 2 types)
Pre-elaborate/pre-named attacksCombinated/elaborated attacks, named by creature tamer & power mixing (uses periodic elements/chemical reactions of the powers or the environment)
RPG battlesRPG or SyncFighter(Natural StreetFighter-style battles)
Creatures evolve only after battleCreatures morph outside or amid battle
After captured, creatures "magically" obey the trainerBeing forcely captured won't mean bond/affection nor obedience. The best way to "catch" a creature is to form a bond and let this creature follow you
BadgesPoW (Proof of Win)
Creatures stored in PokeballsCreatures stored in TamiStorages: cards (QR), blocks (QR/NFC) or balls (NFC)
Offspring is always the specie of the momCan create a brand new specie through fused breeding, if the couple is of a compatible shape/egg-group
Creatures have 1 egg at onceCreatures can have more than 1 egg/offspring/fry at once
Baby mons can be trained and evolve on day oneCreatures depend not only on experience but also age before morphing
All pokémons are born independent in the gamesNot all tamiguchos are born independent; some require parenting
2D: Game view from up2D: Topview or Platform modes
Only for Nintendo consolesMultiplatform
Shiny PokémonsAlbinos, Pinkan, Darkan, Radio and others
Special types onlySpecial and Bodily elementary types (for example, it doesn't makes sense when bird and bug are Special types)
Only 1 "owner" per pokémonUp to 2 "owners" possible for the same tamigucho, by using a cross-tamer cover/capsule in the TamiStorage
In the pokémon's details, only OT appearEvery tamigucho will have a list with the history of tamers instead of just OT only